Rocky Wiki
Rockys restaurant inside-Robert-Plazek
Structure information

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Owned by:

Rocky Balboa

Type of structure


Adrian's is a small, but successful Italian restaurant opened by Rocky Balboa following the death of Adrian Balboa (Rocky's wife). Spider Rico was a cook at Adrian's, and Marie worked there part-time filling in for the woman who works at the door who was on a maternity leave.

This was where Mason "The Line" Dixon's manager Lou DiBella suggested Rocky fights him.

Adonis Johnson Creed (Apollo Creed's son) made an appearance in the restaurant where he met Rocky as Adonis asked him to help manage and train him.

Ivan Drago also made an appearance in the restaurant when he confronted Rocky about their Christmas fight in the 80's before Adonis' first fight with Drago's son Viktor.

